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Peru Plans to Close 2022 with 70,000 Vehicles Converted to CNG

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) reported that more than 36,000 light vehicles running on petrol and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) have accessed the use of natural gas to date, through the NGV Savings Program, which finances the conversion of their CNG engines with resources from the Energy Social Inclusion Fund (FISE), which allows end users monthly savings of more than 50% in fuel consumption.

This program is carried out in the regions of Lima, Callao, Junín, Ica, Cusco, Piura, La Libertad, Áncash and Lambayeque, and it is planned to be extended to other regions of the country to the extent that they have natural gas service stations, such as the case of Cajamarca, Arequipa and Tumbes, which are the closest to having these CNG stations.

For beneficiaries, the return period is up to 3 years; In the case of users from the provinces, the program contemplates the assignment of a discount voucher of S/ 1,000, applicable on the final price of the conversion, which helps reduce the value of the fee and makes the monthly payment of this feasible credit through natural gas loading at service stations.

The MINEM specifies that with the vehicle conversions, it is sought that the drivers of our country have access to a more economical and sustainable fuel that the country has, and are not affected by the strong volatility and rise in international oil prices, which currently affect the price of diesel and LPG at the local level.

According to the statistics of the General Directorate of Hydrocarbons of the MINEM, to date more than 26,000 petrol-powered vehicles have been converted to CNG at the national level, that is, 73% of the national total converted by the program; while there are more than 9,000 LPG cars converted to CNG, which represents 27% of the universe of 36,000

Lima is the region that leads vehicle conversions, with more than 25 thousand units of its fleet converted to natural gas.

The 2022 Annual Promotions Program committed a budget of S/ 66 million, in order to close this year with 70,000 vehicles converted to CNG.

Source: bnamericas