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National Road Rally Launched to Address Benefits of Natural Gas Vehicles

NGVAmerica has teamed up with the American Gas Association and the American Public Gas Association to launch the 2018 Drive Nat Gas Coast-to-Coast NGV Road Rally. This four week, 5,000+ mile, 14 stop cross country excursion highlights the benefits of natural gas use in transportation.

“Clean air starts with clean vehicles, and the cleanest heavy-duty engine in the world runs on natural gas,” said Dan Gage, President of NGVAmerica.  “We are fortunate to have partners here locally who understand the importance of implementing affordable natural gas solutions in everyday life.  And we ask local elected officials and policy makers to join with them to promote and increase natural gas use in transportation that will result in protecting our environment, cleaning our air, and expanding our economy.”

Beginning on the East Coast and concluding at the start of NGVAmerica’s 30th Anniversary Annual Meeting and Industry Summit in Palm Springs, California, the 2018 NGV Road Rally itinerary includes multiple formal stops:

  • October 17th                      Freehold, New Jersey
  • October 18th                      Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
  • October 18th                      Johnstown, Pennsylvania
  • October 22nd                      Columbus, Ohio
  • October 23rd                      Indianapolis, Indiana
  • October 26th                      Trenton, Tennessee
  • October 29th                      Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • October 30th                      Houston, Texas
  • October 31st                       San Antonio, Texas
  • November 1st                    Dallas, Texas
  • November 2nd                   Arlington, Texas
  • November 5th                    Greeley, Colorado
  • November 13th                  Fontana, California
  • November 14th                  Palm Springs, California

Source: NGVAmerica