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Andamur and Molgas Inaugurate Their First CNG Station in Jaén, Spain

Andamur and Molgas have collaborated to open their first natural gas station in in the Andamur Guarromán Service Area. It is the first multi-energy station in Andamur capable of supplying natural gas, electricity and traditional fuel.

The new natural gas station of Andamur and Molgas has a LNG pump for heavy vehicles and a double CNG pump for trucks, cars or vans. 24 hours open, it is free access and accepts debit and credit cards, as well as fuel cards from both companies. Scale Gas, a startup born out of Enagás’ corporate venturing programme, Enagás Emprende, dedicated to small-scale infrastructure and logistics solutions, is in charge of the integral management of the natural gas station.

Before the end of the year, another supply point is expected to be opened in the Andamur La Junquera Service Area as a result of the agreement between Andamur and Molgas.

“The start-up of the station in Andamur Guarromán represents a great step for the company. We thus become a multi-energy company, capable of supplying all the fuels the transport sector may need: electric chargers, LNG and CNG services. We want to give the clients what they need now and in the future,” said Miguel Ángel López, CEO of Andamur.

“The inauguration of this service station represents for Molgas the achievement of another milestone in our ambitious goal of offering our customers a global network (national and international) that meets their refueling and service needs. The addition to our network of an important logistical location such as Guarromán, together with the chosen travel partner, makes this project born with the highest guarantees of success,” said Fernando Sarasola, CEO of Molgas Energía.

“The future of mobility needs technologies and energies that adapt to the particularities of each transport segment. Natural gas is currently the only real sustainable alternative that allows reducing emissions and improving air quality in segments such as heavy transport. At Enagás we are committed to innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives that have enabled the creation of companies such as Scale Gas, now consolidated, and that carry out projects like this one that we are launching today that promote the decarbonization of transportation through natural gas,” said the CEO of Enagás Marcelino Oreja.

Source: Andamur