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Positive Results for NGV Safety from UNECE Meeting

Under the umbrella of the UNECE’s Group of Experts on General Safety, which met in Geneva on 8-12th October 2018, a busy agenda of natural gas vehicle (NGV) activities across a wide variety of topics has been attended by NGV Global.  The agenda included provisions for the testing of compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinders (with mirror provisions for LNG tanks) and several new CNG/LNG technologies introduced to legitimise their use on vehicles.

NGV Global has been participating in an ad hoc task force on compressed natural gas (CNG) cylinders led by Germany and involving Italy and a host of CNG cylinder companies and auto manufacturers concerning test procedures for CNG cylinders.

Two meetings held in 2018 in Cologne resulted in new provisions (under UN Regulation No. 110 (CNG and LNG vehicles) in relation to the inspection of CNG cylinders, with points of difference being largely resolved at the Geneva meeting.  The nature and purpose of testing, cylinder certification, and support for in-country procedures was addressed. For the next meeting (GRSG-116), NGV Global will be working with the International Auto Manufacturer’s Association (OICA) to provide clarifying definitions to distinguish between ‘periodic technical inspection’ and ‘requalification.’

New technologies relating to the storage and delivery of gas on board natural gas vehicles (NGVs) were presented for consideration and inclusion. Additionally, appropriate language was approved to include the use of natural gas as a power source for on-board ancillary equipment.

Terminology defining a ‘Gas Injector’ and ‘Gas Flow Adjuster’ was also approved, as was wording to allow for a transitional period for the industry to introduce new technologies.

Source: NGV Global