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Peru: Natural Gas Will Arrive in the Puno Region for Vehicle Use

In compliance with the State policy that promotes the massification of natural gas throughout the country, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Regional Government of Puno. The objective is to develop actions so that Puno and Juliaca have cheap and clean energy for vehicles, domestic and industrial use, which will help reduce energy costs, boosting the productive sectors and contributing to economic reactivation.

The concretization of this agreement is a management promoted by Governor Germán Alejo, after visiting the natural gas distribution centres for vehicles use in the city of Cusco, in order to promote the massification of this energy resource in the Puno region.

Through the document, actions will be promoted that contribute to the reduction of energy gaps, promoting inclusion and security. The MINEM will make viable the development of infrastructure projects for the provision of the public service of natural gas distribution, that is, the installation of charging stations, in addition to promoting and financing vehicle conversions.

It should be noted that, since April, the MINEM has allocated a budget of S/ 150 million to execute the Special Infrastructure Project for the massification of natural gas in the interior regions of the country, which includes the Puno region.

Meanwhile, the Regional Government will be in charge of managing and coordinating with the local governments and communities of the region the timely processing of authorizations, permits and necessary facilities for the development of the infrastructure required for the mass use of natural gas. It will also develop strategies for the implementation of projects related to the transportation and distribution of natural gas, as well as socialization of fuel use.

Likewise, it assumes the commitment to develop training programs for technicians and professionals in the region leading to the formation of local technical staff capable of operating the technologies, within the framework of the object of the agreement.

Source: ALT Fuels