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ENARGAS Evaluates Digitalising Refuelling Control System for CNG Vehicles

The National Gas Regulatory Entity (ENARGAS) reports that the six proposals received for the implementation of a new charging control and qualification system for CNG-powered vehicles are being evaluated. They are already published on the official website of the agency.

Due to the growing trend in the use of compressed natural gas in the Argentine automotive fleet -today over 1.7 million units-, ENARGAS encourages the development of technologies that allow greater safety and efficiency in supply system controls from CNG.

In this sense, the ENARGAS Technological Innovation Management (GIT) proposed the creation of the “Intelligent Wafer” Technological Innovation Table (MIT), created by the highest authority of the agency.

These proposals under analysis, provide alternatives for the implementation of a digital system for reading, identifying and transmitting data from control devices and charging for vehicles provided with CNG equipment.  

From the GIT, through the study of the proposals that are carried out, it is intended to organise the information presented by the participants of the MIT, in order to evaluate actions that collaborate with the achievement of the objectives of the table.

The final objective of this study is to know the technologies available in the market, as well as the possibilities and capacities of the industry actors, interested in the matter, that are technically applicable in the local industry, complying with all the norms of security and regulations established in Law No. 24,076 and regulations issued accordingly.

The conclusions emanating from this study process -currently in the development phase- will be consolidated in technical reports that will be published on the ENARGAS website for the knowledge of the members of the benchmark Innovation Board and the general public.

It is highlighted that the evolution of the work of the Board requires an active and constant technical exchange among its members, in order to determine those aspects that may eventually be transcendent for the successful implementation of the project, continuing to protect the rights of users and ensuring public safety regarding the loading and use of CNG vehicle operations.